If you already have a website with us and you are looking to log into the CMS (Content Management System), Click HERE


Web Design

Professional, clean, and easy to navigate web designs.

Forget the on-line templates and have a web presents that truly reflects your unique company or brand.

Prices start at just $300 (simple site, under 10 pages)

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Content Management System

Web Hosting & CMS (Content Management System)

With our content management system you can edit text, add numbered lists or bullets, add images and files.
It is simple to use and you can use it on-line from any computer or smart phone!

You can get both your web hosting & CMS from us or either separately.
Send us an e-mail and we will quickly get back to you with a price.

e-mail us

IF you already have a website withus and you arelooking to log into the CMS, Click HERE


Visitor Overview


Easily Accessible Analytics

By logging into our CMS (Content Management System) you can easily check all the Analystics for your site. From the first day your site launches you can monitor the number of visitors, what browser they use, operating system, what city each visitor was from and so much more!


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© 2010 Thompson Photography & Graphic Design

David & Christine Thompson (603) 463-9987